
Kuratabi Malaysia Sdn Bhdプライバシーポリシー

Kuratabi Malaysia Sdn Bhd(以下「当社」という)は、当社の提供するサービスの利用者(以下「ユーザー」という)に関する個人情報を含んだ情報(以下「ユーザー情報」という)の取扱いについて、以下のとおりプライバシーポリシー(以下「本ポリシー」という)を定めます。







(2) 当社または当社のグループ会社が留学先の教育機関に生徒を紹介する場合、生徒の入学やその他の手続きを依頼する場合
(3) 当社または当社のグループ会社と提携関係にある学校代理人、代理店に一部業務を委託する場合
(4) 当社または当社のグループ会社が顧客の住居手配をする際、不動産貸主や不動産代理人へ情報提供する場合





Kuratabi Malaysia Sdn Bhd CEO 小坂博志





制定:2021 年1月1日

Kuratabi Malaysia Sdn Bhd Privacy Policy

Kuratabi Malaysia Sdn Bhd (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") hereby establishes the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") regarding the handling of information, including personal information of users (hereinafter referred to as "User Information"), of services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "the Service").

This Policy applies to all services provided by the Company, together with the privacy policies, terms of use, and other relevant regulations defined for each service.

1. Information We Collect and How We Collect It
The User Information the Company collects varies depending on the method of collection, as follows:

(1) Information Directly Collected from Users
The Company may collect the following information directly from users when they use the Service (the type of information collected may vary depending on the type of educational institution abroad):

Date of birth
Name of the school attended
Email address
Passport information
Academic records
Educational background
Occupation, employer
Health status
Service usage history
Other information deemed necessary by the Company for customer support and service execution
Other information specified by the Company as collected via apps or websites

(2) Technical Information Collection
When users access the Service, the Company collects the following technical information:
Type of device
Device identifier
Type of browser
IP address
Other advertising identifiers

(3) Information Collected Through External Services
If users permit integration with external services while using the Service, the Company may collect the following information from those external services:
User ID on the external service
Other information disclosed by the user on the external service as per its privacy settings

2. Purpose of Use
The Company uses the collected User Information for the following purposes:
Customer support and service provision (such as school admission support packages, school tours, etc.)
Billing of usage fees
Identity verification and user authentication
Measurement of user traffic and behavior
Advertisement delivery and performance verification
Submission of admission reviews, application procedures, trial classes, etc., to educational institutions abroad
Sending various information, materials, and advertisements
Notification of significant changes to terms related to the Service
Responding to inquiries and providing guidance related to the Service
Other purposes defined for each service provided by the Company

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
The Company does not provide personal information among User Information to third parties without prior consent from users. However, this does not apply in the following cases where User Information may be provided to third parties:
(1) When providing User Information to external service operators for integration or authentication with such external services
(2) When introducing students to educational institutions abroad or requesting admission or other procedures
(3) When delegating part of the work to school agents or agencies affiliated with the Company or its group companies
(4) When arranging housing for customers, providing information to landlords or real estate agents
(5) When cooperation with national or local government agencies is required to perform duties prescribed by law, and obtaining user consent may impede the performance of such duties
(6) Other cases permitted by law

4. Shared Use of Personal Information
The Company may share personal information among User Information as follows:
Items of Personal Information Shared:
Date of birth
Name of the school attended
Email address
Passport information
Academic records
Educational background
Occupation, employer
Health status
Service usage history
Other personal information obtained for customer support and service execution
Other information specified by the Company as collected via apps or websites
Scope of Shared Use:
FUMA Co. Ltd.
Purpose of Shared Use:
Customer support and service execution

Submission of admission reviews, application procedures, trial classes, etc., to educational institutions abroad

Personal Information Management Responsibility:
Hiroshi Kosaka, Director, Kuratabi Malaysia Sdn Bhd

5. Disclosure of Personal Information
Upon a user’s request based on the Personal Data Protection Act, the Company will disclose personal information without delay after confirming that the request is from the user themselves. However, this does not apply where the Company is not obligated to disclose under the Personal Data Protection Act or other laws. For details on how to request disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of personal information, please refer to the "Procedure for Disclosure, Correction, Addition, and Deletion of Personal Information."

6. Correction and Suspension of Use of Personal Information
(1) If a user requests correction, addition, or deletion (hereinafter referred to as "Correction") of their personal information on the grounds that it is not factual, the Company will investigate promptly after confirming the request is from the user themselves. Based on the results, the Company will correct the content of the personal information and notify the user.
(2) If a user requests suspension or deletion (hereinafter referred to as "Suspension of Use") of their personal information on the grounds specified below, the Company will investigate promptly after confirming the request is from the user themselves. Based on the results, the Company will suspend or delete the use of the personal information and notify the user:
① Personal information is being handled beyond the scope of the publicly announced purposes of use
② Personal information was obtained through deceptive or other unlawful means
(3) This Section 6 does not apply when the Company is not obligated to perform Correction or Suspension of Use under the Personal Data Protection Act or other laws.

7. Contact Information
For comments, questions, complaints, or other inquiries regarding this Policy or the handling of User Information, please contact us through the inquiry form on the following website operated by the Company:
Site Name: Malaysia Study Abroad Channel
URL: www.m-ryugaku.com

8. Revisions
The Company may revise this Policy at its discretion. However, if legal procedures are required for revisions under the Personal Data Protection Act or other laws, such procedures will be followed. Changes to this Policy, including the effective date and content, will be announced to users through the following methods:

Posting on the Company’s website

Notification to users

Other appropriate methods

Date of Enactment and Revision
Enacted: January 1, 2021

